Markdown Cheat sheet

As a software engineers, everyone must have at least heard about the markdown file or the file in Github. In simple words Markdown file is the simple text file which contains the details or the documentation of the project. Let's make a quick tour on how to effectively write the Markdown file. Let's get started.


Headings focus the reader on the most important content in a piece of writing. There are six headings ranging from H1 up to H6 based on sizing.

# Heading 1

## Heading 2

### Heading 3

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

NOTE : There should be a space between # Heading. #Heading doesn't make it a heading.

Text Decorations

Text decorations is generally used to decorate a text.

This is a text without any text decorations



~~Strike Through~~


This is a text without any text decorations



Strike Through


These are used to list the items. The two types of lists are :-

Ordered List

1. This is ordered list item 1
  1. This is nested ordered list
2. This is another list item 2


  1. This is ordered list item 1
    1. This is nested ordered list
  2. This is another list item 2

Unordered List

- This is unordered list item 1
  -This is nested list item
- This is unordered list item 2


  • This is unordered list item 1 -This is nested list item
  • This is unordered list item 2


Here we can embed the link of different websites for the easy access.

[Markdown Cheatsheet]( "Shreesha's Blog")


[Markdown Cheatsheet]( "Shreesha's Blog")

Link your Images

We can also link the required images through the below mentioned method.

![LCO]( "Title is optional")


![LCO]( "Title is optional")

Here we can also upload the images which are in our local machine by specifying the relative path like ./assets/logo.png.

Block Quote

Block quote is specifically used to highlight the specific line. > symbol is used to specify block quote.

>This line is written using block quote
>> This is nested block quote


This line is written using block quote

This is nested block quote

Foldable texts

Foldable texts help condense large blocks of text allowing site viewers to quickly navigate to the most relevant information.








Line Breaks

This usually resembles the end of a paragraph or line. This puts a horizontal line where it is specified. *** symbol is used to put line breaks.



So that's it for this blog. Hope you enjoyed my very first blog.

All the feedbacks are appreciated. Thank you.